Tuesday, 4 December 2012
Another mindless attack on the taxpayers?
Mayor Ford with a future supporter?
Dear Readers,
This morning, I bring you an update of local politics at it's worst. Is it any wonder that it's getting more difficult to get folks into their local polling stations? The following article by Sue-Ann Levy of the Toronto Sun, presented verbatim clearly defines what path the sanctimonious buffoons, and their willfully complicit media darlings have been on. My response is below and as always, space for your comment is below, also.
Mayor Ford's Budget Chief, Mike Del Grande
At that infamous Feb. 7 council meeting that led to the palace coup against Mayor Rob Ford, Budget Chief Mike Del Grande had the audacity to stand up and suggest that councillors were hypocrites for wanting their “pound of flesh” from the mayor. After all, he said, 23 councillors “knowingly broke the law” (the City of Toronto Act, the Municipal Act and case law) when they voted in December of 2009 to pay former councillor Adrian Heaps $65,680 for the legal bills he incurred as a result of the 2006 election.
That move and a separate decision to pay $174,754 for legal fees spent by Heaps and Mammoliti on compliance audits of their 2006 election expenses (all done despite the strongly worded advice of city solicitor Anna Kinastowski not to do so), resulted in a lawsuit by the Toronto Party and Deputy Mayor Doug Holyday.
Mayor Ford's football team victory
Even after the Ontario Superior Court ruled in July 2010 that the payments were ILLEGAL, then-mayor David Miller and his cabal of leftists decided to ignore strongly worded legal advice that they would not possibly win and voted to appeal the court ruling anyway — costing the city at least $40,000, if not more, in legal fees.
“(The mayor) is a wonderful target … you want your pound of flesh,” Del Grande told council that February evening. “Your inconsistencies don’t count.” Instead of cutting Ford some slack and putting an end to the efforts to collect $3,150 from him — seeing as their hypocrisy couldn’t be disputed — they got downright nasty, trying to intimidate Del Grande into silence.
Mayor Ford's football team playing a very large Huron Heights team at the Metro Bowl
Vaughan, singled out by the budget chief as one of the 23 who voted for the Heaps payout, rose immediately, virtually spitting out a demand for a “full and unequivocal apology” and a complete withdrawal of Del Grande’s “slanderous remark.” The ever spineless Deputy Speaker John Parker (who also voted to pay Heaps) whimpered to Del Grande that perhaps, uh, uh, maybe he should use a word other than “illegal.”
Councillor Karen Stintz, who was also named in the Toronto Party lawsuit, jumped up to insist that the law really wasn’t broken because “no funds were dispensed” to Heaps.
Note to Ms. Turncoat: Good try. Heaps, bowing to public pressure, decided not to take the $65,680. But that doesn’t excuse her for voting to break the law in the first place. Del Grande was also heckled by Shelley Carroll and Paula Fletcher (both of whom voted to pay Heaps and for the appeal). Even his colleague Michael Thompson was heard encouraging the budget chief to apologize to Vaughan.
Mayor Ford on official duty
Heaven forbid anyone on council might have a shred of integrity and admit that the rules aren’t applied fairly.
I couldn’t help but think of this episode after learning that The Great Man, Clayton Ruby, has decided to be magnanimous and not contest the mayor’s request for a stay Wednesday pending the outcome of Ford’s appeal in January. This follows a decision by Justice Charles Hackland last Friday that Ford can run in a byelection if he loses his appeal.
My goodness, could it be that all of them misjudged public opinion — namely that the electorate in Toronto was not amused by an unelected judge seeing fit to oust a democratically elected mayor from office because he ignored an obsessive (and politically motivated) demand from an integrity commissioner to pay back $3,150 to donors of his Football Foundation. Ruby’s press release included a comment by complainant Paul Magder that he’s outraged Ford “and his proxies” characterized the mayor as a victim of a “left-wing” political attack — calling that an insult to the justice system.
Mayor Ford celebrates another victory by his Don Bosco Eagles
Translated: He’s outraged, as is Ruby, that there are plenty of people smart enough to see this for what it is — a palace coup by those who have never accepted Ford as mayor and who bully those who dare suggest this is all politically motivated. In other words, those who support the mayor or his agenda aren’t the “idiot rednecks” Ruby and Co. would like to think we are. (This term came in an email from a woman who chastised the Toronto Taxpayers Coalition for calling what happened an attempt by the “NDP-backed activist and union bosses” to hijack the democratic process. It perfectly describes the sentiments of the anti-Ford contingent, I think.)
Which brings me back to that Feb. 7 council meeting and Del Grande. The leftists and the complicit media who cover them may think they’re fooling us. But they’re not. We’ve got their number no matter how much they scream, shout and whine in self-righteous indignation.
my response.....
Mayor Ford's Don Bosco Eagles Football team beats Northern Red Knights in TSSAA final
Thankfully, there are enough folks who are smart enough to see this sad situation for what it is...another mindless attack on the taxpayers of Toronto by the tax and spend crowd! The fact that seems to be lost on the lefties is that Ford has been helping many high schools since 2000 providing kids, mainly teenagers between the ages of 14 to 18 with the opportunity to play football. Volunteering his time, his practices are intense, his game preparation is thorough and his players work hard for him! In addition, his foundation supports the purchase of football equipment for any school that has a need, at around $20,000 for a team of 50 kids. The benefit.....these kids stay in school and they have something worthwhile to do to keep them occupied. These are not the kids shooting on our streets! I took my grandson the watch the Metro Bowl at the SkyDome a couple of weeks ago and in terms of size; a critical measure in football, it looked like the Don Bosco Eagles were a typical high school team while the Huron Heights team looked more like a university team. Some of those kids, like #50 looked huge. Needless to say, when Huron Heights needed some yards, #50 was playing both ways!
Mayor Ford supervising a Don Bosco Senior football practice
No, the lefties sure don't like being reminded by the taxpayers that Ford puts his money where his mouth is. Ford has helped high school football teams throughout the city (maybe even in their wards) and has gone on record as saying that he planned to continue fundraising until there’s a fully outfitted team in every single school in the city. And that is the difference between Toronto taxpayers and the lefties! The lefties are generous as long as it is public money. Ford's generosity with his time and his money infuriates these magnanimous lefty leeches to no end, just as they had reacted to Ford’s use of his own money for office expenses when he was a councillor. So just ask yourself, when was the last time you saw any lefty councillors coaching, mentoring and writing cheques from their own bank accounts to keep our kids alive?
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