Sunday, 14 August 2011

Chief 'should step down',

Chief 'should step down',

By: Terry Davidson, Toronto Sun,
Saturday, June 25, 2011, 
With G20 thugs refusing to apologise after sentencing, should it really surprise anyone when the union miscreant who led the Black Bloc parade now calls for Chief Blair's resignation?  
And why are the other G20 riot organizers who exhorted the crowd to violence on that fateful Saturday morning in Allan Gardens one year ago remaining unrepentant? Do they not share responsibility? As vandals face their justice, too many G20 riot leaders remain conspicuous by their absence!

While Vancouver's Police Chief, Jim Chu certainly could have prepared as well as the RCMP did here, Vancouverites are to be commended for taking their images to separate the innocent bystander from the rioter for there’s nothing illegal about being in the streets but not when you are trying to set police cruisers on fire!

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